Danh mục sản phẩm
Danh mục sản phẩm

English Book

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Bare Feet Iron Will




Bare Feet Iron Will

The author and every male member of his immediate family served in the Vietnam war. In 1988, his older brother, Elmo, died from Agent Orange-related cancers linked to his service as a Swift Boat commander during the Vietnam war. In a bitter irony, it was the actions of his father, Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., in ordering the spraying of Agent Orange when he commanded all US naval forces in Vietnam that sealed his brother’s fate. People react differently to grief. For the author, it turned to animosity, directed against not only the war but also the enemy against whom we had fought.

In 1994, traveling to Vietnam for the first time since the war, he met with Vietnamese leaders to discuss the Agent Orange issue. In doing so, it provided him with the opportunity to learn about the conflict from the perspective of those who had fought it on the other side of the battlefield. As these former enemy veterans began sharing their personal stories of hardship and tragedy-one of which was not too dissimilar from the author’s own-he was struck by a stark realization. As difficult and tragic as the war had been for Americans who served, it had taken as much, if not greater, a toll on the Vietnamese.

In war, there are never winners-and Vietnam was no exception. Returning to Vietnam more than 50 times to interview hundreds of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC) veterans, in addition to Vietnamese civilians, the author obtained a better understanding as to the extent of our former enemy’s suffering during that war. The result was a metamorphosis, which changed his attitude towards a former foe.

“Bare Feet, Iron Will” became the vehicle by which he shares what this metamorphosis taught him. In “Bare Feet, Iron Will” are stories of intrigue, of patience, of ingenuity, of dedication and, most importantly, about a people with no option other than victory. These stories, share unique insights about the war. Intriguing insights evolving into odd coincidences-such as what led a Vietnamese veteran to write a novel, praised by Western critics, about the war; an interview where the author would learn the interviewee had tried to assassinate his father; the earlier-than-realized first American casualty of the Vietnam conflict and what that incident would portend for US involvement. About Vietnam’s allies-including China, a country with which Vietnam has fought in almost every century and how China sought at times to give the appearance of helping North Vietnam while not doing so and North Korea, which pressured to send pilots to fight the Americans, only to have Hanoi send the Koreans home, trying to hide their participation by burying North Korean pilots in an obscure cemetery.

More than a generation after the war in Vietnam ended, many Americans are still haunted by its memory. More than thirty-four years after the fall of Saigon, it is time to better understand the enemy we fought and the ro1e their “iron will” played. And with that understanding, hopefully many may find the healing they seek




Life Behind The Front Line




Life Behind The Front Line

There are endless meters of films and countless photo books on the Vietnam War. But this must be the first time you have held a collection of photos, taken by Vietnamese themselves. They are photographers, who grew up during the war and who approached photography without any training, but rather in the traditional way: the elders assisted those younger than them in their careers. But all came to photography with enthusiastic hearts.

These are photos taken on the spot by professional and amateur photographers who held in their hands ancient cameras without zooms, whose only means of transport were their own legs or at most a bicycle, and their dark rooms were just blankets over their heads and a kerosene lamp… But they have bought us such lively images ‒ not images of war full of bomb blasts and destruction, but images of real life behind the front lines, of peasants, workers, intellectuals and particularly women and children living through the war, day by day, in happiness and in sorrows… This book offers a different images of the war ‒ images of the simple people who were not born to arms, but had to face war and find a way to survive it…

“Behind the front line” is in fact, another front line, and on this fierce “front line” there are peasant and workers, mostly “girls who still felt shy with their boyfriends, and old people who were almost ready to join their ancestors, calmly raised their rifles, aimed at the deadly planes and shot at the right time.” And, on this “front line”, all women, wives, sisters… have to ensure good harvests on the fields (with rifles on their backs); to ensure production in the enterprises (with rifles at their sides); to ensure the kindergartens and schools well functioning in the evacuation sites…

In certain cases, a young soldier return home to find that his wife, behind the front line, has passed away during the war.

The young man of fire and sword is not die
but the little girl behind the front line.
I return
not seeing her
My mother sat next to her grave full of darkness.
The wedding flower vase
Become the incense-burner
with cold ashes around.”

Huu Loan
(The violet of tomentose rose myrtle)

“But we have a common sorrow, the immense sorrow of war, the lofty sorrow that is higher than happiness and that overcomes misery. Owing to this sorrow, we escape from the war, escape from being buried in the interminable slaughtering, in the misery of guns and bayonets, escape from the obsession with violence to return to our path in life, which may be unhappy and full of sins, but is still the most beautiful life that we can hope for, since it is life in peace.”

Bao Ninh
(The Sorrow of War)




The Banh Mi Handbook

The Banh Mi Handbook

A cookbook devoted to the beloved Vietnamese sandwich, with 50 recipes ranging from classic fillings to innovative modern combinations.

Created by Vietnamese street vendors a century or so ago, banh mi is a twist on the French snack of pâté and bread that is as brilliant as it is addictive to eat. Who can resist the combination of crisp baguette, succulent filling, and toppings like tangy daikon and carrot pickles, thin chile slices, refreshing cucumber strips, and pungent cilantro sprigs? You’ll have ample opportunities to customize your sandwich with filling options such as grilled pork, roast chicken, and “the special”—a delectable combination of garlicky pork, liver pâté, and Vietnamese cold-cuts.

Opening a new realm of flavor for anyone tired of standard sandwich fare, The Banh Mi Handbookpresents more than fifty recipes and numerous insights for crafting a wide range of sandwiches, from iconic classics to modern innovations, including:

Crispy Drunken Chicken
Shrimp in Caramel Sauce
Grilled Lemongrass Pork
Beef and Curry Sliders
Coconut Curry Tofu
Lettuce Wrap Banh Mi

Respected food writer Andrea Nguyen’s simple, delicious recipes for flavor-packed fillings, punchy homemade condiments, and crunchy, colorful pickled vegetables bring the very best of Vietnamese street food to your kitchen.


Vietnam hidden riches of a magical land

Untouched by mass tourism, Vietnam is an ideal travel destination for individualists and those with the urge to explore this hospitable, colorful, cosmopolitan country. Pagodas and imperial palaces, cities like Saigon built in the French colonial style, rugged mountains and sandy beaches, floating markets and hot springs Vietnam has plenty to offer. With selected hotel and restaurant recommendations.




Vietnamese Street Food




Vietnamese Street Food

Ẩm thực đường phố Việt Nam mang đến cho bạn cái nhìn sâu sắc về đất nước và có hơn sáu mươi công thức nấu ăn ngon được yêu thích và có một không hai, từ món phở nổi tiếng đến bánh tráng cuốn tôm thịt và bánh tráng cuốn đậu phộng giòn giòn được các sinh viên thích ăn vặt ưa thích.

As any traveller to Vietnam will know, the street food is second to none in terms of its diversity, great taste and availability. Vietnam is a real foodie’s destination – and nowhere is it more vibrant than among the hustle and bustle of the streets. Vietnamese Street Food gives you an insider’s view of the country and features over sixty well-loved and authentic recipes, from the ever-popular pho to prawn rice paper rolls and the tangy, crunchy peanut-studded rice balls favored by snacking students. With stunning food photography of every dish and complemented by evocative location photography, Vietnamese Street Food provides an unforgettable insight into Vietnamese street food and culture that will inspire both the home chef and the armchair traveller.


